Duncan From ‘Q&A’ Finally Hits Public Enemy #1 Status On The Herald Sun

There’s a saying that goes “don’t pick fights with anyone who buys ink by the barrel.” 
If the recent – and upcoming – front pages of Australia’s major newspapers are anything to go by, Duncan Storrar not only picked a fight with the media, he insulted its mother and stole its dog. 
We can infer as much, ’cause this right here is the honest-to-God first look at The Herald Sun’s brave face for tomorrow, Friday May 12, 2016:

A day after the national masthead eked a counter-narrative to the Q&A questioner’s story from his own son, the Melbourne tabloid has dedicated the majority of its front page to rag on a dude who rose to prominence for, you know, having the audacity to question the Federal Government’s new tax breaks. 

Completely ignoring the fact that having a criminal history doesn’t detract from the cogent points he made on the panel show, the paper boasts Storrar’s prison stints will “likely pace pressure on the organisers of a Go Fund Me web page to reconsider whether to give Storrar the more than $60,000 that was raised in his name.”

Thankfully, a few (soon to be very, very many) people have wrapped their eyeballs around it, and have voiced their obvious, head-shaking, rage-inducing disapproval:

Really quickly, let’s make add even more fucked-ness to this saga: just today, the fund’s creator Samuel Fawcett said “it turns out being in the middle of a media storm can be tough.”

“We heard from Duncan today. He has told us that he is struggling with attention and plans to take some time away.

“His privacy should be respected.”
Yeah. Right. Good luck now, Duncan.

Source and photo: The Herald Sun / Twitter.