HOME & HOSED: Newtown Punter Calls Shotgun, Passes Out In Fire Truck

Of all the ways to meet firefighters, jumping into a firetruck while totally hammered is probably the second worst of ’em.
Still, that’s exactly what one Sydney punter did this fine morn, and his exploits have been shared by none other than the crew at Newtown Fire Station.
A photo posted to the station’s Facebook page shows old mate catching some Z’s in the cab, while a pretty stoked firie looks on:
PEDESTRIAN.TV had a chat to Simon, the firie who took the snapshot, who said “we pulled up at 7-Eleven to get our newspaper, and literally as [our station officer] was getting out of the truck, this young guy grabbed the edge of the door and just shuffled past him and got into the seat.”
He said the fella didn’t have a kip straight away, either:
“There’s sort of an extendable reading lamp, he started talking into it like a microphone, and then he fell asleep.”
Simon, who has never seen anything like it during his time as a firie, explained that after “quite a while” of trying to talk him out of the truck, they entrusted him to “three or four other good citizens” who made sure he didn’t embarrass himself further.
The lesson to be learned here is that you should go hard this party season, but don’t go “lock yourself in a firetruck” hard, alright?
Source and photo: Newtown Fire Station / Facebook.