The New Owner Of The Adam Driver Cat Is Stoked, Mother & Son Doing Well

Most “wow, X looks like Y! What a most bemusing circumstance!” stories end without much fanfare, as the internet trundles along in search of the newest,  purest, most uncut lols. 

The cat that looks exactly like Adam Driver is the exception to the rule. Now, the story can end on a much happier note. We have closure. Closure in the form of Brooklyn native Emily McCombs announcing both the cat’s adoption, and her unending love for the re-dubbed Kylo Ren

In a post on EliteDaily – of which she’s also the executive editor – she described her instant infatuation with “Corey” from The Monmouth Country SPCA, and her frantic journey to the shelter before anyone else could welcome the lookalike into their lives.

It was a close call, too.

“I was resigned to the fact that I had been 20 minutes too late to adopt the cat of my dreams.

And then, a miracle happened. Because the other interested adoptee was allergic to some breeds of cats, and knew that she needed several hours to make sure Corey wouldn’t cause a reaction, she ceded to me.”

A spot of paperwork later, and the internet’s most famous cat – not an easy feat – was lifted out of the shelter life.

McComb says she’s 110% on board with having the renamed Kylo Ren in her life, and apparently the little tacker is a cuddly one as well.

She reckons “he never tired of being petted and snuggled and doesn’t want to be alone in any room of the house. He likes being rubbed anywhere, even on the infamously touchy cat belly.”

Balance has been returned to the Force. 

Source: EliteDaily.
Photo: Twitter.