‘Can You Pet The Dog?’ Is The Informative Twitter Account Gamers Deserve

A brand new Twitter account dedicated to gaming emerged this week, and I’d wager just about everyone will be interested in what it has to say. Can You Pet The Dog? will let you know whether or not you can pet the dogs featured in various video games.

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It’s a simple idea, but an incredibly good one. Each post will include a picture, usually a GIF, from the game in question and states whether you can or cannot pet the dogs within it. That’s pretty much it, folks, but I simply can’t stress this enough: It rules.

Have a look at a few of the very good tweets featuring very good (digital) boys below.


As you’d expect, some of the comments on these are just as good as the original tweets.



Absolutely superb gear here, folks. The account only popped up yesterday, so there aren’t a bucketload of posts just yet, but there’s a good chunk in there. Since its birth, it’s garnered 1,177 followers at the time of writing.

Given the popularity of giving dogs the petting they deserve – both digitally and in real life – developers are beginning to include the option more than ever, and they’re right to do so. Even good boys in games need pats.

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