Worst Add Ever – GAP

GAP is no stranger to whack advertisements but this one takes the cake. I don’t have a problem with the horribly photoshopped models, my cheif gripe is with THE THIRD ARM PROTRUDING OUT OF NOWHERE AAARRGGHHH!!!!

How did the art director let this get through? I know fashion is all for diversity these days but how many three armed people actually exist? Will GAP have a collection of three armed cardigans next year? Unprofessional and far too sloppy for a global brand, GAP has lost what little credibility it had in the fashion world (Oh wait it had none to begin with).

Such is the erroneous power of GAP advertisements (I call this power “The Whack”) it rendered the biggest name in Electronic Music a self parodying corporate lackey without the slightest hint of irony. I know we’ve posted this before but I don’t think it will ever get old. This blemish on their otherwise impeccable careers proves they are indeed Human After All. Humans who love Dad jeans.