This Wooden Keyboard Is The Stuff Of Your Tech Aesthetic Dreams

Are you trying to rustle up a solid side hustle from your bedroom? Or maybe you work in an office and the stark white-and-grey surrounds are really depressing to walk into every morning. Well, sweet friends, if you’ve got a couple of hundred bucks stashed away – have we got something to interest you. 

French brand Orée are really nailing a niche specialty – wooden computer accessories – and to be honest, as unnecessary as they are we’re just 100% here for it. Why? Because most of us spend a significant amount of time staring at a screen, and while laptops, PCs and Macs have come a long way in the aesthetics game, adding a bit of personal style to our office space really makes us feel 4 million percent better when we plonk ourselves in front of them. 
Orée’s hero item is their wooden keyboard. It does nothing special. It is simply a keyboard made of wood. You can choose between walnut and maple, and each board is cut from a single piece of wood from family-owned forests in France. There’s something very Ron Swanson/Parks & Rec about that. 
The keyboard has USB and wireless Bluetooth functionality, and works with any operating system, including your smartphone or tablet. 
Are you currently thinking about how a wooden keyboard would fare with your track record of spilling your re-heated spag bol across it on a weekly basis? Orée reassure klutzes worldwide by adding an invisible, food-safe varnish on top for easy cleaning. They also offer engraving on the back for an added fee, and it looks super lush. 
Like we said, it’s not gonna be a cheap buy for you. $200 bucks to be relatively exact. But Orée are so confident their wooden keyboards’ll last you, they offer a lifetime warranty. How’s that cost-per-use looking – pretty good, right? If you’re keen, you can get one via their site here.
Wish you had the spare $$ to throw down on one of these babies right now? If you win our current comp courtesy of our pals at Set for Life, you could find yourself with $20k in your pocket. Expensive wooden tech accessories for you and all your mates (if you’re into being generous). Enter here:
Image: Oree.