This Hairdresser Saved The Hair Of A 16 Y.O. W/ Depression & It’s So Lovely

Honestly, there’s talent and then there’s talent. And friends, this story involves someone with so much skill, she should be employed by the government or something. Admittedly, she’s a hairdresser and her skill set is around detangling knots but hey – if she’s this good, maybe she can DETANGLE the KNOTS in our SOCIETY, eh? Eh? I’ll see myself out.

The story is this. Iowa hairdresser Kayley Olsson took to Facebook last week to share a really, truly heartwarming story. She had a 16 year old client come in (who for privacy reasons she’s kept anonymous) with severely matted knots. I mean, severely. Basically, the client suffers from depression, and couldn’t even find the energy to brush her hair.

“She got to the point where she felt so down and so worthless she couldn’t even brush her hair, she told me she only got up to use the restroom,” Kayley writes in the Facebook post. “She starts back at school in a few weeks but she has her school pictures today. When she walked in she told us just cut it all off I can’t deal with the pain of combing it out, she called herself worthless for it.”

Instead of shaving the girls head, Kayley went to work. 8 hours of work, to be specific. Fuuuuck me, that is a lot of combing. But damn it if it wasn’t for the best cause – because LOOK AT THE CLIENT’S TRANSFORMATION:

It’s a really lovely story, you can read the entire post in full here:

Now does someone want to shout us a trip to Iowa so we can visit this hair lord? Tx.