Tampa Bay Rays Admit That It’s Still Too Soon for Steve Irwin Jokes

The Tampa Bay Rays, by way of a boundary pushing fan’s placard, have had to apologise after their mascot was photographed holding an offensive sign that referenced the death of the much loved crocodile wrestling animal conservationist, Steve Irwin

Last night Rays mascot Raymond was handed an inappropriate sign brought
to the game by a fan. Fans are welcome to bring signs into Tropicana
Field provided they are not offensive. The Tampa Bay Rays regret that
this particular sign was displayed in the ballpark, and we apologize for
the lapse in judgment.

The sign’s creator, 29-year-old Lloyd Johnson, a military veteran and sports marketing major defiantly stood by his foray into public humour. “I love Steve Irwin but come on, it’s funny,” Johnson said. “Every time I stood up I was stopped to take a picture with someone. I probably took 20-30 photos with people.The reaction, at least from what I heard at the stadium and on Facebook, was positive.”

If South Park (who ironically, were panned for their Steve Irwin coverage) has taught us anything, it’s that tragic events take at least 22.3 years before the become funny. Sorry Ray’s fans, but you still have about 16 years until you can get away with your tasteless Steve Irwin jokes. Not cool.

via Deadspin, Yahoo 7
Pictures by Deadspin