PicPaperie Will Turn Your Lame Instagram Photos Into Lame Xmas Wrapping Paper

Are you sick of having to wrap your totes indie Christmas presents (Apple products, things with owls on them, Animal Collective records) in totes non-indie cartoon Santa wrapping paper? A US startup called PicPaperie has created a service that will turn your favourite Instagram snaps of your coffee, your dog, your legs at the beach and, of course, pictures you take of your own face into “high-quality, acid free” wrapping paper and ship it out to you, just in time for Hanukkah or Christmas. #NoelFilter.

PicPaperie are running an Indigogo campaign to raise funds for the project, with contributions starting at $14 USD for a 61 cm x 76 cm sheet of wrapping paper. There’s no stipulation that the images that you order on your wrapping paper have to be yours, so you could presumably deck your presents with Miranda Kerr‘s photoshopped bod, or Donald Glover‘s paranoid rantings. Of course now that Instagram has ads, you could buy the item advertised, give it as a gift and wrap it in the advertisement of itself! INST-CEPTION!

Friends of Pedestrian who have made it onto the ‘nice’ list – how would you feel about receiving presents wrapped up in pictures like these under the tree this year?