Media Moonwalker Jaymes Diaz Still Dodging Questions About Coalition’s Six Step Plan

Jaymes Diaz, Minister for Evasive Interview Technique, Journalist Dodging and Abrupt Moonwalking, has publicly reappeared after committing ritual political suicide last week when he discussed with assholes with microphones journalists the Coalition’s six-step border security plan, of which, when pressed, he knew zero steps. Something he hilariously attempted to hide by moonwalking out of the interview on shame skates.

A week later it seems Diaz may yet still understand the party’s “stop the boat” strategy. Diaz appeared before the media yesterday and was offered the chance to redeem himself by recalling the steps to journalists, something he declined to do by saying nothing, grinning like an idiot, then moonwalking to the safety of his car where no fucking asshole with a dictaphone would ever ask him stupid questions about stupid things he doesn’t have the time or energy to commit to memory. Jaymes Diaz, never not moonwalking. #AusLol.