Kevin Rudd Claws Back Into Instagram By Adopting Ja’mie King’s #Quiche

You guys, this just happened.

Everyone’s favourite most utterly loathed human being Ja’mie King has officially spread her vacuous influence to the insty vernacular of Australian politics. Spawning the word “quiche” during Wednesday night’s premiere of Ja’mie: Private School Girl, the term is, essentially one steamy step above “hot”, or, “so hot you’re bangable”.

Naturally, ex Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has returned to instagram (he broke a long hiatus from his much-loved medium yesterday) by tagging a photo of himself with “#quiche”. And we know he’s not referring to some eggy lunch item because he clearly says he’s at  a barbeque, yo. I have no idea what is going on with Australian politics anymore but at least we can all rest easy knowing it is officially and quite literally a joke.