Kendall Jenner Apparently Can’t Walk The Victoria’s Secret Show This Year

Pounding the runway of the annual Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show is considered by most models to be the pinnacle of their career. The “made it” moment where they move from being just a regular, old model to a SUPERmodel. It’s a big fucking deal, basically.

Resident Kardashian family model Kendall Jenner‘s had two years in a row of representing on the VS runway, but this year she’ll be conspicuously absent. While fellow Instagram-famey models Gigi and Bella Hadid are present and accounted for in the lineup, Kendall will be sitting it out. Why? Well, due to a little deal she signed on for with rival lingerie brand La Perla.

See, Kendall is the face of the iconic Italian lingerie brand this year, having signed a multi-million dollar deal with the brand. She fronted their Fall/Winter campaign recently, and closed their Feb fashion week show.

Apparently, according to TMZ, her contract includes a non-compete clause – meaning ol’ Kenny can’t strut around in angel wings alongside her old VS model counterparts. SHAME.

Actual shame though, because she was FIRE last year.

Look, we highly doubt Kendall’s crying into her pillow atm – girl got MILLONS from La Perla. Boo hoo, right?