Ford Unveils Solar-Powered Consumer-Level Concept Car

Greenies and hippies the world over could finally allow themselves the late model mid-sized people carrier they’ve always wanted, as US auto giant Ford have developed a concept for a consumer-level solar powered car that doesn’t look like this:

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Ford’s C-Max Solar Energi concept car (that’s officially 2014’s first infuriating lowercase “i”) suggests Ford are either well and truly dedicating themselves to the green energy station bandwagon, or have secretly discovered that there is literally no oil left to refine, or both.

The car, due to be officially unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show (aka GeekFest 2014) in Las Vegas next week features a roof made out of 1.5 square metres of solar panels, comes coupled with a “concentrator” – a carport built with a lens on the roof that magnifies the suns rays, and a platform which moves the car to ensure it is always in the optimum position for the suns rays to be concentrated on the solar panels. Think a magnifying glass that could melt life-size army men. This combination of “Vehicle plus infrastructure” will provide, according to Ford’s global director of vehicle electrification and infrastructure Mike Tinskey, a system that “can essentially recharge that CMax Energi battery 100% from solar energy”.

Existing C-Max models are of the hybrid/plug-in variety, so the potential all-solar car is another positive step on the road away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energy sources. The C-Max Solar Energi isn’t destined for the roads just yet, but after its debut at the Consumer Electronics Show, Ford will be testing the car and determining if it’s feasible to put it into production. Sun Power 4 Eva!

VIDEO: Ford reveals solar-powered passenger car
