Dreamworld Boss Confirms Park Won’t Reopen Until After Victims’ Funerals

Dreamworld chief Craig Davidson has laid out the theme park’s ongoing response to Tuesday’s tragic death of Kate Goodchild, Luke Dorsett, Roozbeh Araghi and Cindy Low on the Thunder River Rapids ride. 

In a statement, Davidson confirmed the park has been advised by Deborah ThomasCEO of its parent company Ardent Leisure, to remain totally closed at least until after the victims’ funeral services. 
No other attraction will be reopened at the park until exhaustive safety audits are completed and reviewed. 
Davidson said updates on those safety audits and what they may entail will be revealed in the next few days, and he reaffirmed Dreamworld’s commitment to working with authorities to identify the cause of the horrific accident.
“As a team Dreamworld will stand shoulder to shoulder to get to the bottom of what has occurred,” Davidson said.
No further information on the Thunder River Rapids ride was given, but Davidson reiterated its operator had “the competency, experience and training to operate that ride.”
Earlier, Shayne Goodchild, father of victims Kate Goodchild and Luke Dorsett, issued a statement of his own. He said “like everyone else in Australia, we want to know what went wrong. 

“We want to know why our loved ones were taken from us in such horrific circumstances. No-one wants those answers more than we do.”

Source: Supplied.
Photo: @georgialouise95 / Instagram.