Coffee Table Books That’ll Make You Seem 50% Cooler Than You Actually Are

If you’re finally in a home that a) doesn’t have 7 other people also living in it, spilling stuff on the floor daily and b) doesn’t host a house party every other month, you’re probably looking at ways to spice up your interiors and make it a space you really feel reps your personal style. 
You’ve already invested in some art pieces, but every living room/sideboard/hall table can benefit from a statement coffee table book. You know – the large, commanding hardcover beauties that look just as excellent closed as they do when you flick through them. They’re perfect for convo ice-breakers, showing off your painfully cool taste in art or architecture to people you’re dating, and taking aesthetically pleasing pics for your IG feed. 
We rounded up some of the most visually A+ ones – just try and only buy one of these babies.
Remember when Globe sneaks were the coolest thing you could possibly own? Well, what you might not know is the iconic skate brand actually originated in Melbs, Australia – before going on in the 90’s to conquer the LA market, arguably the biggest skate scene in the world. Besides the fact that this hefty book is full of history and cool stories of wild parties, it just looks bloody great on a table – that bright red, along with the huge ‘UNEMPLOYABLE’ title down the spine, are as statement as it comes.
French style icon Garance Doré is the name behind this part-style guide, part-diary book that’ll easily get you #1 friend status if you gift it to your fashion obsessed best mate. Garance is the ultimate in French-girl chic, so naturally the cover is a beautiful muted peach with that large, freehand font that’s practically begging to be uploaded to social media.
Not familiar with the Atlas Obscura website? Oh man, you need to get on that if you love travel – particularly if you love the weird and the unexpected. Their site covers everything from natural hidden wonders to things like ‘America’s biggest ball of string’, so expect the same things from this table top book. It’s one you’ll genuinely reach to read over and over again – and the design is top rate, so it looks fantastic on top of a stack.
Can Pharrell Williams stop being so damn creative? That’d be great, thanks. This book – full of everything from design, fashion concepts, and personal tales, showcases just how bloody talented he truly is. The cover comes in multiple pastel shades, so you can literally buy one that complements your general interiors aesthetic. That Pharrell, he thinks of everything.
Aussie company Dinosaur Designs hit the big-time back in the 90’s, when their resin jewellery became *the* must-have fashion accessory for anyone who knew what they were sartorially doing. From there, they’ve continued their success – now you’re more likely to pick up a statement home piece from them, although their jewellery range continues to walk out the door – and this table top book takes you bts to their studio, and chronicles the whole journey. 
People that obsess over Wes Anderson movies, stop scrolling. This hardcover book details Anderson’s life (as told to writer Matt Zoller Seitz), teamed with original illustrations and production images. It’s visually stunning both inside and out – and of course has Anderson’s beautifully unique style all over it.
See Red Women’s Workshop originated in the ’70s in London, when three former art students decided to tackle the patriarchy via visually arresting posters and calendars that challenged the commonly seen sexist, oppressive images of women at the time. This table top monster of a book features all of the collective’s original screenprints and posters, along with stories from See Red members, you’ll 100% get more out of this beyond it’s statement cover (although that’s definitely a plus).
Autumn de Wilde and Beck have had a 15 year long friendship, and this book is the result of that – a compilation of portraits, gig photography, and intimate recording studio photo diaries that reveal more about both artists and show the value of a creative partnership. Cover-wise, it’s a beautifully designed book that’ll add a pop of colour to any minimalist space.

If architecture is your shit, you absolutely need this. The mid-century cover looks fantastic on a coffee table, but the images inside will probably mean anyone who visits your place won’t converse with you at all, and instead go deep in the architectural beauties. There’s designs spanning decades in here, but all represent future-thinking and design elements that then dictated how we created buildings going forward in history.
Award-winning photographer Bernard Edmaier is the talent behind this photography book, which looks at water both from the air and the ground. Edmaier is known for his highly saturated and abstract images – so expect dreamy pics throughout from all around the globe. It’s not just a visual masterpiece, either. Edmaier makes a strong statement on climate change, from desertification to rising sea levels. It’s an absolutely huge book with a magnificent cover, so give it the pride of place it deserves, k?

Private members club Soho House originated in London in 1995, and has since gone on to be *the* name in chic spaces for the rich and famous worldwide. Renowned for their beautiful interiors, amazing food and innovative takes on renovations, this cloth-bound book is like peeking inside a bunch of fancy clubs you’d never get to see as the normal pleb you are. And how bloody beaut is that simple cover. 
Chloe Cahill and Ho Hai Tran are two Aussies with a passion for photography… and old Pizza Hut restaurants. Yep, the Aussie pair went ’round Australia – and then the world – snapping the 80’s and 90’s icons, many of which now house other businesses like pawnshops and grocery stores. This book is their entire collection, and damn does it make for a great, nostalgic convo started. 
Chronicling the 60 plus years of the Chloe fashion house, this is an absolute must have for any fashion-obsessed person – you’ve probably seen it gracing the tables of all your favourite influencers, it’s that popular. Even if you’re not a style lord, it’s full of fascinating facts and history – after all, Chloe is a brand that sought out the incredible talents of Karl Lagerfeld and Stella McCartney before they had even made a mark on the industry, so yeah, you could say they’ve got some stories to tell.
Got a side hustle project worthy of its own coffee table book? Whatever it is, you should enter our comp c/o Set for Life – you’ll win $5k to go toward your side-hustle, plus a luxe weekender in Sydney where you’ll meet ultra boss lady Eleanor Pendleton of Gritty Pretty.
Image: Instagram / @brooketestoni.