ALERT: A Massive Flight Sale Slinging $9 Tix To ‘Strayan Cities Starts At 4pm

Regardless of where you live in Australia, there’s no better time of the year to get the fuck somewhere else: the top half of the country is being completely incinerated, the bottom half is bafflingly experiencing snow in the middle of summer, and Sydney is just, well, kinda shit (just kidding, I didn’t mean that).
If you’re keen to go somewhere north that feels like it’s actually experiencing a summer or somewhere south where you can go outside without your shoes melting, but also don’t want to fork out mondo bucks because you’re flat broke (I hear you brother), Scoopon has got the hookup.
The deals site will be offering a limited set of flights on five major city routes for just $9, which is barely even the cost of a hot lunch if you don’t have any plans to fly back home.
The routes are as follows:
  • Brisbane to Sydney
  • Sydney to Melbourne 
  • Melbourne to Sydney
  • Adelaide to Melbourne
  • Perth to Melbourne
Pretty great value if you’re in Perth, because those flights are usually about a million, billion dollars. All flights are for the period of the June 19th – June 25th, with only 150 tickets available so you’d want to get in bloody quick.
The sale kicks off at 4pm AEDT – so 4pm for folks on the east coast who aren’t in Queensland (where it will be 3pm).
You can check it out right here.
Photo: Groupon.