WTF It Just Started Snowing At The GWS VS Hawthorn Game In Canberra

Canberra footy fans got a bit of a cold shock tonight at the Giants vs Hawks AFL match when it started snowing on the field.

Yes. SNOW. At the footy. In Australia.

I mean, running around in mini shorts in the middle of winter doesn’t ever seem like a fun time, but I imagine it’s even more unpleasant when it gets so cold that it literally starts snowing. Kudos to the Hawks and Giants for continuing the game even in near-zero temperatures.

Despite the crazy forecasts all across the country, predictions only showed a small chance of snow interrupting the game, but obviously anything is possible.

The Hawks and the Giants are the first two teams in AFL history to play an official game in the snow, with the snowfall beginning late in the first quarter of the match.

And obviously, the only thing more entertaining than watching footy players run around in the snow was the Twitter commentary that came with it.

Hawks players were treated to steaming cups of hot tea at quarter time, while a daring Alastair Clarkson rocked a pair of shorts in the freezing 3 degree weather. Fans were also spotted dipping their hands in buckets of hot water in a desperate attempt to keep warm.

While locals were spotted wearing ski goggles and snow jackets, I sure hope those travelling to Canberra for the game came prepared!

Tonight’s game against Hawthorn is the third and final Canberra game for the GWS Giants, and they’re aiming for a top-four finish.