WATCH: LeBron James Goes Incognito To Work In A Los Angeles Pizza Joint

The idea of a 6’8 unit like LeBron James trying to go undercover anywhere is slightly difficult to grasp, but needless to say, the Cleveland Cavs star somehow managed to go incognito last month to put in some hours at a pizza joint in Pasadena, California.
LeBron became ‘Ron’, the newest employee of Blaze Pizza. “It’s my first day on the job,” he told one customer, who seemed to have a twinkle of recognition in her eye. “I’m learning, I’m shadowing – really tall shadow.”
‘Ron’ recommended sauces (he likes it spicy), bantered with customers and generally towered over his co-workers. If nothing else, this goes to show that LeBron’s a pretty excellent sport. Enjoy: 
Source: Time.