Like Clockwork, Ex-PM Bob Hawke Is Back Sculling Froth Dogs At The Cricket

VERY IMPORTANT UPDATE: Here is the footage in all its stunning, publicly elected glory. Cheers, Bob!

Bob Hawke just tossed back another beer at the cricket. Like bloody clockwork, this is. And we could not be happier.

One of Australia’s greatest Prime Ministers, and certainly our best ever ex-Prime Minister is at the Sydney Test for Day 2 of the action between Australia and Pakistan, and the 87-year-old is certainly not letting anything like “the time” dictate when he can and can’t get squarely on the piss.
Hawke was shown on the Channel Nine broadcast enjoying a very fancy-lookin’ frosty beverage before the clock had even struck midday.

But the real main event was apparently reserved for the lucky mob at the ground only.

A flood of social media reports have all stated that Hawke was again shown on the big screen at the SCG, and that upon realising he was on camera, the great man tossed that bad boy back like it was nothing.

He might be a bit of an old crank with weirdo thoughts on politics nowadays, but there’s no denying he can still put away the odd Froth Whitlam far quicker than you ever could. Even in your prime.

Never bloody change, Hawkey.

Source: Twitter.
Photo: Twitter.