Floppers Gonna Flop – NBA To Crack Down

In a devastating blow for ballers with Hollywood aspirations, the NBA has introduced their first anti-flopping measures with fines and suspensions to be leveled at repeat floppers. As with divers in Football, the flop has been taken up by the more dramatically incline players as a means to milk a foul in situations where there is little to no contact.

First offense in a season gets you a warning. Second time it is a $5,000 fine. Third time it is $10,000, fourth time $15,000 and if there is a fifth offense in a season the fine is $30,000. Go beyond that and the league has the option to give larger fines or issue suspensions. (This applies only to the regular season, different playoff flopping rules will come later.

via NBC Sports

While NBA fans, players, and administrators agree that the practice detracts from the integrity of the game, it does make for excellent youtube viewing.

And last but not least, probably the best flop to date comes from Australian Mike Pennisi while playing in the Philippines.

Picture by Barron Davis at Getty Images