Two Influencers Painted On ‘Face Masks’ While In Bali &, Naturally, They’re Now In Deep Shit

Two influencers, Josh Paler Lin and Leia Se, are facing deportation from Indonesia after filming a dumb-ass face mask prank and why do influencers have to behave like this?

In a video shared to their respective channels, the influencers paint their faces to make it appear like they’re wearing face masks, then they try to enter a Bali supermarket where actual face masks are mandatory, not the painted kind.

So how did that work for them? Well, according to Escape, they’re now facing deportation from Indonesia. Brilliant guys. Well fkn done.

Coconuts Bali reports that Lin and Se, who are Taiwanese and Russian respectively, have had their passports seized by authorities in Bali and apparently tourists who are caught breaching mask regulations can be slapped with a one million Indonesian rupiah fine and after a second violation, they may be yeeted out of the country.

“They are not only violating, but deliberately provoking in public, so it’s only proper to sanction them more severely, not just with a fine but also deportation,” said the head of Satpol PP Bali, the area’s police force.

In a video posted to Instagram on Friday, Lin and Se apologised for their actions (accompanied by their lawyer).

“We want to apologise for the video that we made,” says Se, one half of the accused influencers.

Lin adds that the stunt was never intended to “disrespect” or “invite” people to disrespect the country’s mask regulations.

“I made this video to entertain people because I’m a content creator, and it is my job to entertain people,” he says in the clip.

“However, I did not realise that what I did could actually bring a lot of negative comments … and … raise a lot of concerns.”

The pair of influencers then “promise not to do it again,” with Lin adding: “I would like to invite everyone in Indonesia and Bali to always wear [a] mask for our own safety and health.”
