Two ‘Words With Friends’ Mates Finally Met IRL & Our Hearts Are Truly Touched

words with friends

Sometimes the internet is very bad. Okay, more than sometimes. Often.

Often it is, in fact, a receptacle for all the more grody garbage the human mind can conjure and spew up, coagulating in grotty gobs of hate speech, uninformed opinions, and Donald Trump‘s tweets.

But sometimes – just sometimes! – it is a force for the purest good.

Take, for example, the blessed meeting of two very unlikely but very good mates, who somehow met through glorified Scrabble app Words With Friends, and embarked on a long and enriching internet friendship.

22-year-old Spencer, a guy from Harlem in New York, says he “randomly met” 86-year-old Roz on Words With Friends, and played more than 300 games with her – a collegiate rivalry that blossomed into true mateship.

Then, apparently thanks to Pastor Amy Butler of The Riverside Church, and her #relationshipschangeus initiative, Spencer got to fly to Florida this weekend and meet his mate, who lives in a retirement village there. 

The two appear to have easily made the transition from game-based relationship to IRL BFFs. And yes, the entirety of the godforsaken wasteland we call the internet is absolutely infatuated with this beautiful, pure, intergenerational platonic romance.

Even Words With Friends has given the friendship their blessing.

There you have it, folks: the internet. Thanks to people like Spencer and Roz, it’s not all an absolutely reprehensible quagmire.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need a tissue.