What Is Pogoism?

What is Pogoism? A hardcore Digitialism fan group? A pogo stick with hydraulics? An esoteric religion? Nope, nope and nope.

Judging from the below video it’s the dovetail between Art Attack and the most inefficient mode of transport known to man aka painting with pogo sticks. Shot in Sydney’s CarriageWorks by Creative Consultants Cabana Boys, the video was released by The Australia Council of the Arts to announce the opening of its $10,000 ArtStart Grant scheme.

ArtStart is a new type of grant from the Australia Council for the Arts specifically designed to help budding artists grow their careers. It provides up to $10,000 and applicants can be from almost any field of the creative arts. The $10,000 grant can also be used for a variety of purposes.

So if you’re a young artist in need of money get on your err pogo stick and apply here!