Watch Kevin Rudd’s Passionate Defence Of Marriage Equality Stance on Q&A

The probably-soon-to-be-ex Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has provided voters with a moment of passion and clarity on the divisive issue of marriage equality, in an election campaign that has otherwise left voters on both sides feeling pretty uninspired.

On Q&A last night, A Christian pastor asked why Christians should vote for the self-confessed ‘God botherer’, and accused the Prime Minister of “chopping and changing [his] beliefs, just to get a popular vote, with regards to things like marriage”.

Rudd defended his stance on marriage equality, saying “I concluded in my conscience, through an informed conscience, and a Christian conscience, it was the right thing to do”. The bout-ending blow came when the pastor re-worded his question. “I’m just curious – for you, Kevin, if you call yourself a Christian, why don’t you believe the words of Jesus in the bible?”. An exasperated Prime Minister retorted “Well mate, if I was going to have that view, the bible also says that slavery is a natural condition” to applause and whoops and hollers. “I mean for goodness sakes… The human condition and social conditions change”.

Burn. We think comedian Julia Morris put it best: