WATCH: John Oliver Takes On Sugar In Typically Brilliant Fashion

In America, first you get the sugar, then you get the power, then you get the women.

With everyone’s favourite “it’s just about lollies” holiday in Halloween fast approaching, and with confectionary companies making a big push to make Halloween a thing (that is, beyond an excuse for adults to get drunk in costume) in Australia in recent years, it’s only fitting that everyone’s favourite angry Brit John Oliver takes a deeper look at how sugar is marketed and delivered to consumers.
The video is, understandably, a little American in the sense that people in Australia actually understand how the metric system works, but that certainly doesn’t change the fact that manufacturers prefer to have sugar content listed in grams, owing to the fact that it reads like nominal amounts.
But it also doesn’t really change the fact that sugar is delicious, either. So make of this what you will.