WATCH: A Quick And Dirty Guide To How ISIS Came Into Existence

Hovering above the din created by Reclaim Australia types banging their pots and pans, whilst screeching about “death cults” and “the muslims” coming to abduct their Australian flag capes, there are real conversations occurring all over the country about our collective response to seemingly increased violence and reciprocal panic across the world.

Purveyors of fine, digestible explainer videos, Vox, have crafted their own 6 minute audiovisual interpretation of ‘the rise of ISIS’, which runs from the Soviet—Afghan War to present day. Just in time for seasonal lunch conversations with That Ignorant Family Member!

As France’s Foreign Minister, Laurent Fabiusrecently emphasised: “This is a terrorist group and not a state. I do not recommend using the term Islamic State because it blurs the lines between Islam, Muslims, and Islamists.”

In an excellent piece for The Atlantic contributing editor Graeme Wood expounded ‘What ISIS Really Wants‘ and emphasised that the relative “ideological purity of the Islamic State” does actually allow us to predict their moves, if only our world leaders would listen.

For followers of Daesh, as they are otherwise known, their collective represents a worldwide caliphate to eventually rule over devout Muslims and Western scum (guilty!) alike. Seeing their motives for what they are — based on deeply held beliefs that incorporate seventh-century legal frameworks and an eventual apocalypse — goes a long way towards shattering the mystery and overcoming terror.

As they say: “Knowledge is Power, France is Bacon”.

Story: Vox
Further Reading: Paste ‘Trying to Understand ISIS? You Need to Read These Six Stories’.