People Are Absolutely Eviscerating A Victorian Landlords’ Group For Its Dumb Lockdown Take

With the whole of Victoria in lockdown, plenty of folks are finding themselves unable to work as rent and other bills pile up. It’s a tough time and people are even calling for a JobKeeper 2.0 in the state. In comes the Individual Housing Providers Association (which is basically just a landlord lobby) with the dumbest fucking take on the situation imaginable.

It started off when the Victorian Renters and Housing Union made a tweet calling for more social security, such as in the form of JobKeeper 2.0 and increased Centrelink rent assistance, to help those doing it tough during the lockdown. It also called for COVID-related rental debts to be cancelled.

To this, the Victorian landlords’ group replied: “How would cancelling a rent debt help any landlords? How would reinstating JobKeeper work if the company is from NSW or operates nationally?”

It’s such a strange attitude. People have no money and can’t pay their rent or buy groceries, and these landlords are concerned that it’d be too difficult to tweak JobKeeper to suit the situation.

The tweet got just three likes and zero retweets, but over 200 replies and over 80 quote-tweets. Suffice to say, Victoria’s landlords got thoroughly ratioed.

Sit back, relax, and scroll through the burns.

Lockdown is set to last at least two weeks and these landlords are already pushing back against the idea of their own tenants having somewhere to sleep. Grim.

Also, they couldn’t even figure out how to tag RAHU properly… even though it was a quote-tweet anyway. What a mess.

Hopefully this whole debacle has taught them to shut their salivating gobs while there are more pressing issues during lockdown.