Victorian Bloke Tells Judge He Can’t Be Charged Cause He “Doesn’t Exist”

A Victorian man has taken, what can only be called an ~interesting~ approach to trying to dodge charges in a County Court, claiming to the judge he couldn’t do shit as he doesn’t actually exist.

Facing charges of criminal damage and making threats to kill, Gregory Norman Francis allegedly claimed to not in fact be Gregory Norman Francis but “Man Living In Body”, so na-na poo-poo whaddya gonna do about it?

Old mate went as far as refusing to respond to Judge Barbara Cotterell, until she addressed him as such and after his bullshit was called upon, he legit produced a bundle of info to prove he was legally “Man Living In Body” including a Miner’s card, Mastercard and Medicare card.

The accused continue to act, what some might call fucking bonkers, asking the Judge “Do you have jurisdiction over living man?” before then questioning “What about the 10 commandments?”.

Righto Greg. We didn’t mind the whole “I don’t exist” approach, but you’ve lost us here.

The trial is set to be resumed next month. Who knows how he’ll be referred to then, but uhhh… best of luck “Man Living In Body”?