The First Aussie To Get The COVID Vaccine Was This Legend Who Threw Scomo A Cheeky V

Vaccine, Jane Malysiak

The COVID-19 vaccine has officially begun its rollout in Australia, and the first person to get it was 84-year-old Jane Malysiak, a legend who is currently going viral thanks to the fact that she threw Scott Morrison a sneaky V sign.

ScoMo was on hand at the Castle Hill Medical Centre in Sydney today, when Malysiak got a dose of the Pfizer vaccine. To celebrate getting it done, he had her throw up a V symbol for victory, but she managed to turn it around on him.

It’s unclear whether this was a dig at Scomo or just some adorable old person shit, but either way, we salute it:

Speaking to the press, ScoMo said:

“Jane Malysiak has seen many historic days in Australia over the course of her more than 80 years of life. She grew up in Poland in the Depression … she went through the Second World War, she came to Australia, she built a wonderful life here and is still living it gloriously today … She came here from Europe when she was 13 and she’s built an amazing life in this country. She’s seen more things than most of us have, and she’s taking part in what is a very historic day for our country, and I want to thank you, Jane, for being with us here today.”

Morrison later got a dose of the vaccine himself, along with several senior medical figures, and from tomorrow, thousands of Australians from priority groups will begin to receive it.