University Of Western Sydney Spending $20M On “WSU” Rebrand, Bird-Less Logo

One of New South Wales‘ biggest tertiary institutions, the University of Western Sydney, has officially made a pretty huge decision: UWS will be no more, as the University does a rebrand/switcheroo to Western Sydney University, or, “WSU“, dropping the “of” in the process. 

Truly groundbreaking, Earth-shattering stuff.

To be fair – it’s a fairly innocent makeover, in and of itself. And sure, you’re meant to do whatever you can to keep things fresh. But when that rebrand comes at the price of a casual $20 M I L L I O N ?

Yeah, nah mate. I would’ve done it for at least half that. 

But fair play where it’s due: the fee is also being used to revamp the UWS logo. Which would make sense if the blue UWS bird weren’t an icon of the institution itself; symbolically giving The Bird the bird isn’t quite the kind of move that current and former UWS students can get behind.

A campaign to #SaveTheBird on twitter has already launched in protest. 

Today’s news brings back fond memories of Sydney Transport‘s fleeting 2013 logo scandal – when the NSW Government spent $1 million for a bland AF bouncing ball.

UWS sees that scandal and raises it another $19 million. 

The rebrand will officially launch on August 30 this year. 

Via SMH.
Lead image via Facebook.