Twitter Unveils New Interface

Attention nerds: popular micro-blogging service/celebrity venting platform Twitter has recently unveiled some design and function upgrades that should bring users “an easier, faster, and richer experience“. Among the benefits of “New Twitter” are…


Says Twitter: You will now find @mentions, retweets, searches, and lists just above your timeline – creating a single, streamlined view on the left of the screen. On the right, you can see the features you’re familiar with, including whom you recently followed and who recently followed you, favorites, and Trending Topics.

Says us: Compartmentalizing Twitter’s multiple functions/panes into a single data rich page should do wonders for the website’s number one byproduct – narcissism. Chiefly, Twitter users won’t have to furiously refresh @mentions to see if people are sharing their succinct yet hilarious quips (we know you ALL do it).

Says Twitter: Now, it’s easy to see embedded photos and videos directly on Twitter, thanks to partnerships with Dailybooth, DeviantArt, Etsy, Flickr, Justin.TV, Kickstarter, Kiva, Photozou, Plixi, Twitgoo, TwitPic, Twitvid, USTREAM, Vimeo, Yfrog, and YouTube.

Says us: Big fan of this one. This new functionality makes it both quicker and easier to embed/preview different types of media from the aforementioned sites (see below). Again, this keeps the user on a single page and lets you decide whether “the best video of all time” is actually that, or just some dude getting hit in the nether-regions with a soccer ball, without losing your place in Twitter’s timeline. Also, tweet streams scroll down indefinitely now.

Says Twitter: When you click a Tweet, the details pane shows additional information related to the author or subject. Depending on the Tweet’s content, you may see: @replies, other Tweets by that same user, a map of where a geotagged Tweet was sent from, and more.

Says us: Stalking people off 140 characters of information (or less) just became that little bit easier.

Check out Twitter’s wistful new video spot below…