Please Watch Trump Ruining The Concept of Santa For A 7 Y.O. Who Rang Him

I fully realise I already did a Trump Christmas story like two hours ago so I really tossed up making this post, but it’s too funny so I had to do it.

I have absolutely no idea why this tradition exists or how it is facilitated, but apparently kids ring the President on Christmas Eve. Obviously, when it’s Trump you’re ringing, you’d probably expect the kid to receive less a ‘Christmas greeting’ and more an ‘incoherent 20 minute monologue about all the Playboy models the president used to hang out with in the 80s and could have slept with if he really wanted to’.

Behold: Trump ruining Santa for a seven-year-old.

“At seven it’s marginal, right?” is, unfortunately, hilarious. Absolutely magical stuff. Merry Christmas.