The Future Has Arrived: You Can Now Be Blessed By A Robo Priest

The Evangelical Church in Hesse and Nassau have made themselves a robot priest to give automated blessings to the congregation as part of celebrations for the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. 
BlessU-2 speaks German, English, French, Spanish, Italian and Polish; shoots light from his hands; and has a touchscreen on his belly, angry eyebrows, perfectly circular eyes which shift uneasily around the room, and an animated LCD mouth. 
Also it is frankly terrifying. Not T-1000, strikes-fear-in-the-hearts-of-men-terrifying, but terrifying like in the early scenes of Get Out where there was something insidious and creepy going on but it wasn’t yet clear what it was. Like that. 
To be blessed by BlessU-2, first you choose a language, and a male or female voice. Then you’re asked which blessing you want. And then you stand back and let BlessU-2 raise its arms, which begin to glow, narrow its eyebrows, and start reciting a Bible verse. And then you can print the verse and take it home with you!
Behold, the future: 


Source: The Mirror
Photo: TriStar Pictures