The Chaser Make #AbbottLovesAnal The Hero Of Their Debut Mag Cover

When certain moments in pop culture news arise, you can’t help but wonder what The Chaser‘s commentary would’ve looked like – if their War On Everything was still occupying Wednesday nights on ABC.

Chas Licciardello‘s brain surely would have imploded to smithereens when Tony Abbott ate that onion. Julian Morrow wouldn’t have been able to physically cope with the goldmine that was Bronwyn Bishop and her chopper ride directly to career suicide. And Andrew Hansen would have made up a cracking song combining them both.

It’s comforting, then, that The Chaser are back in some form, armed with a medium to provide commentary on the nation’s most newsworthy highlights.

Like this.

It’s the first, (probably-faux) glimpse at the quarterly magazine they’re currently trying to crowdfund via elaborate social media ploys like a Game Of Thrones-themed trailer… and, er, this. 

Give the lads some $$$, won’t ya?