Have A Geez At The Big Boy Hailstorm That Totally Dunked Sydney This Arvo

Woah Sydney, that was a bit of a hailstorm wasn’t it? A bit of bad weather, ey, ey? Just perfect stuff for what was your commute home.

[jwplayer SD0WHIH2]

Office Christmas parties across the NSW capital ducked for cover this arvo when the hailstorm started to lash down in the CBD around 5.30pm. It was reported in Bankstown and the Inner West as early as 4.30pm, and got up to 8cm large in Mount Colah in Sydney’s north.

The Bureau of Meteorology put out a warning on Twitter around 6.15pm, after putting out a severe thunderstorm warning at 5.56pm for everyone from Moree to Wollongong, warning of “heavy rainfall, locally destructive winds, and large, possibly giant hailstones“.


What’s hail anyway? WELL: it’s a form of solid precipitation – like balls of ice, rather than water – that can happen during thunderstorms made up of cumulonimbus clouds, these dense, vertical clouds where the water vapour is carried upward by air currents. But ofc eventually the hail loses to gravity. And it is extremely normal for them to be between five millimetres and 15 centimetres in size. Those big boys today? Coulda been bigger.

These ones today? Well there’s some big boys. Some like golf balls. Others nearly the size of oranges. BoM wasn’t lying about them giant hailstones.




Have some videos and big picture shots – it’s like real shitty snow except louder on tin roofs/deeply unsafe to hurl at people. This is the suckiest White Christmas ever!





This is our favourite though – Google journo Nic Hopkins took a shot of surfers taking cover from the dumping of hail underneath their surfboards. Never underestimate Aussie ingenuity.

The ABC reported that Sydney Airport is experiencing one hour delays, with 21 flights cancelled and seven diverted interstate.

Have a good sleep tonight Sydney, ’cause it’s still stormin’.
