‘Strayans Losing Thirst For Frothies, Beer Consumption Hits 50 Year Low

In news that’s positively got to rank at the top of the National Outrage scale, we as a people have apparently been slipping in our devotion to the amber gods.

Beer consumption in the country has hit lows not seen in 50 years.
The raw numbers themselves are startling. According to data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, back in the early 1970s Australians were smashing tins at a rate of 193 litres per person per year. But in 2013-14, that rate had fallen a staggering amount, down to just 92.4 litres.
And of that, there’s been a large swing towards Mid Strength Beers, with the data suggesting that people are moving away from the craft beer trend, despite the numerous empty small batch IPA bottles that encircle the desk this article is being written at suggesting the contrary.
But it’s not just the beers that are taking a hit. Alcohol consumption in general is down across the country, with swilling rates at universal 50 year lows. And of that, the drinking habits of Australians are shifting away from traditional grog choices like beer – which at one point accounted for around 75% of all booze smashed, but now sits at just 41% – with wine and cider being the big movers.
The cider trend is patently obvious, with a 150% increase in consumption being seen over the past six years.
But it’s wine that has become the drink-of-choice for all thirsty Australians, with its share of consumption rising from 12% up to 38%.
The chief reasons behind this upward swing are generally cost and health-related, with the relatively low price of wine and the increased prices of beer playing big roles in the change.
So whilst our appetite for to slay the frothy beast might be on the wane, our thirst for wine is stronger than ever.
We don’t have to tell you what that means. GIF parade!
via Yahoo.