Australia Is On Fire & We Can’t Breathe But Scott Morrison Just Fucked Off To Hawaii

scott morrison hawaii

Just when you thought Prime Minister (leader of the country) Scott Morrison could not possibly give less of a fuck about the fires, he was spotted on a flight to Hawaii.


I, too, am screaming.

[jwplayer KlfklHWk]

Hawaii and #MorrisonFires are trending 1 and 2 on Twitter, largely due to the fact that we’d all love to be in Hawaii instead of breathing in Sydney’s toxic air. Meanwhile, the man in charge of the whole country is breathing fresh air and (probably) sipping mojitos on a beach somewhere.

It’s no secret that Scott Morrison gives less than half a fuck about the fires, the toxic smoke, or the future of the planet. But c’mon Scotty, you’ve gotta at least pretend to care.

Since the fires first started back in early November (yes, it’s been over a month of constant burning), Scott Morrison has been absent. It’s been a while, so let me give you a quick refresher on what exactly our PM has been up to in the last month.

Former fire chiefs tried to get him to address the issue, then he suggested a “great summer of cricket” would give the firefighters something to cheer about. Later, Q&A revealed that our deplorable climate change policy is somehow even more fucked than we thought, he came to Sydney to discuss the Religious Discrimination Act, said firefighters don’t deserve to be compensated for their efforts, then he got trapped in a building for 30 minutes as a result of the smoke.

Finally, on December 11, he admitted that hey, it’s a bit smokey in Sydney. Don’t get me wrong, he isn’t actually going to do anything about it. But he’s finally admitted it.

So what has he done to deserve a Hawaii vacation? Absolutely nothing.

Volunteer firefighters have been risking their lives for over a month straight for $0 with no luxurious Hawaii holiday in sight. But somehow, Scott Morrison decided he’d take a quick little trip to get some fresh air.

People were quick to draw comparisons between Scott Morrison and Christine Nixon, who was crucified for going out for dinner during the Black Saturday fires.

Others were more interested in sharing their utter disappointment in the PM.

Scott Morrison left us. Scott Morrison let us down.

Australia simply deserves better.