Rebel Wilson Slams News Orgs For Defending Bauer Media’s “Brute Behaviour”

Rebel Wilson has criticised the coalition of Australian media organisations planning to appeal the amount of damages she was awarded for her successful defamation claim against Bauer Media, saying they are acting “all in the name of corporate greed.”

ABC, Fairfax Media, News Corp, Seven, Nine, and Macquarie Media last month voiced their intention to help Bauer Media appeal the unprecedented $4.5 million in damages awarded to Wilson, after she successfully argued the magazine conglomerate defamed her in a series of articles in 2015.

The legal challenge will argue that Wilson was awarded damages so far above and beyond standard protocol that other media outlets may refrain from publishing vital public interest journalism for fear of similarly huge defamation claim payouts, fair or not.

Yesterday, the ABC also quoted Wilson’s barrister Renee Enbom, who said Wilson’s legal team and Bauer Media’s lawyers were deliberating on whether she is entitled to a further $1.1 million or $1.3 million in legal costs on top of the $4.5 million sum.

In turn, Wilson took to Twitter, saying the costs were already awarded to her in the 2017 judgment and are not a new matter. From there, she delved into the upcoming appeal, and asked why media organisations felt the need to aid “a trashy tabloid company owned by German billionaires, proven guilty of malicious defamation”.

Wilson also accused the coalition of colluding to twist the story and presenting her case in a misleading way.

This afternoon, Wilson also responded to a Channel 7 report saying the push for Bauer Media to pay her legal costs was a new development.

The Victorian Court of Appeal will hear this one out on April 18.