Quentin Tarantino Wants To Make An Australian Film

Profanity-loving auteur Quentin Tarantino is such an Australian film fanboy that he is keen on creating an all-Aussie project starring Aussie actors to be shot right here in Australia. Now that’s a lot of Aussie. The news comes courtesy of actor John Jarratt who you probably recognise from 1990s TV gems like Water Rats and Blue Heelers. And scaring the cleanliness out of your pants with the movie Wolf Creek.

Jarratt recently spoke about the director’s love of Australian cinema after wrapping up filming on Tarantino’s slavery epic Django Unchained, insisting Tarantino has seen every Australian film ever made:

“He wants to make this Australian film and I’ll keep kicking him until he does. He likes the way we make movies and likes the way we make low-budget movies that look a trillion dollars and stand up next to the Bruce Willis movie next door.”

Aw shucks, thanks Tarantino. We like the way you make movies look too.

via The Herald Sun
Image by Joe Scarnici for Getty Images
Words By Nikki Brogan