
PAMbook is an independent publisher based in Melbourne, publishing artists and photographers whose work intersects with the world of P.A.M.

Sitting somewhere in between the tangible, unfiltered communication of a †zine’ and the heavy, well thought out †art book’, PAMbooks showcase some of the world’s finest artists and photographers within a concise A5 format volume.

PAMbook001 No Still Eye Deer, co-published with Paris fashion boutique Colette, released a series of what now consists of 20 titles containing contributions from an array of reputable artists.

Forming part of the L’Oreal Melbourne Fashion Festival’s 2009 Cultural Program, PAMbook will exhibit the photography archive of these collectable books.

Thursday March 19 – March 31, 2009
10am – 6pm
Someday/Metropolis Bookstore
Level 3, 252 Swanston Street