Nick Fkn Offerman Stays On-Brand, Builds A Whisky-Stocked Xmas Bunker

There might only be three items that Ron Swanson outwardly endorses – US Army-issued moustache trimmers, Morton’s salt, and the CR Lawrence Fein two-inch axe-style scraper oscillating knife-blade – but one that Swanson and Nick Offerman are both wholeheartedly in favour of is Lagavulin Single Malt Scotch Whisky.

And with good reason, too. It truly is elixir of the Gods themselves.
So not only has Lagavulin’s decision to bring Offerman on board to advertise their magnificent amber angel’s wee been the smart and obvious call, it’s also turning into something that’s bordering on genius.
And now comes the – far shorter – instructional video detailing how to construct your own Holiday Bunker to hide away from all the hubbub of family, shopping, and the associated chaos that comes with Christmas.
The important things? A pair of clean socks and underwear. Some reading material. A rib-eye steak for a light snack. And wall-to-wall whisky.

Honestly, why would any company bother hiring anyone else than Offerman to pimp their shit after this?
This is perfect.
And all I want is whisky.
Source: Uproxx.