Nearly 90 Melbourne Suburbs May Now Have Contaminated Tap Water Thanks To Those Fkd Storms

If you live in Melbourne, you may be aware of the chaotic and deadly storms that happened last night. Now, Yarra Valley Water has issued a water warning notice for 88 affected Melbourne suburbs, which may have contaminated tap water.

Damage caused by the storms may have led to contaminated water from the Silvan Dam entering the water supply system. The storms also caused many Victorians to go without power.

Yarra Valley Water has told residents of the 88 suburbs to not drink their tap water or use it for food preparation unless it is boiled first. However, water that has not been boiled can be used for showering, bathing, flushing toilets, hand washing, washing dishes, clothes and garden watering.

If consumed, the contaminated water may cause gastro-like systems. If you experience any of these systems Yarra Valley Water is advising you to please contact your doctor.

If you live in the following suburbs, please be careful and boil your tap water first: