Oi Melbourne, Dust Off The Lomo Because ‘Melbhenge’ 2019 Is Coming This Arvo

It is common knowledge that the sun rises and sets for the sole benefit of Melbourne and its residents, but that goes doubly on February 7. Yes, today is the day the setting sun aligns with the CBD’s grid to create the famed ‘Melbhenge’, which is a terrible name for a genuinely lovely and luminescent phenomenon.


Essentially, many of Melbourne’s east-west aligned streets are set to line up with the path of the afternoon sun as it creeps towards the horizon. If it plays out as in previous years, beautiful amber light will shine unimpeded down Bourke Street, making for some seriously delightful Instagram shots.

That’s a big if, though. At time of writing, the Bureau of Meteorology predicts there’s about an 80% chance of showers this evening, potentially putting stupid and unphotogenic clouds in the way of the sunshine.

Regardless, if you’re keen to take a #Melbhenge snap, your best bet is likely the steps of Parliament House up on Spring Street. Failing that, feel free to sweep through the hashtag from previous years – and savour the prospect of taking a similar shot when the sun next lines up with the famous Hoddle Grid. 
