Lil Yachty Did A ‘Simpsons’ Rap On ‘Jimmy Fallon’ & It’s Cromulent As Hell

The Simpsons might have stopped being properly good 15 years ago, but good glaven if it ain’t still the cultural glue that binds us all together (unless you were one of the poor souls whose folks banned the citizens of Springfield from the family set. We’re sorry for your loss). 
So prepare to feel the warm embrace of quality prime-time nostalgia courtesy Jimmy Fallon, Lil Yachty and the Roots on The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon.
Yep, it’s a Simpsons rap, and it slays. Yachty and Fallon pay homage to 59 characters, including the Bort licence plate, Rex Banner and Mr. McGreg, (with a leg for an arm and an arm for a leg), and quite frankly I’ll be spending my weekend learning every blessed line.
Cop the entire extremely cromulent segment below, and best of luck watching it just once.

Image: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.