Kim Jong-un Dares To Release Unedited Photo, Rewarded W/ Photoshop Carnage

This world is so shallow and corrupt. Our lives are so manufactured, filtered and curated that a simple #nofilter selfie becomes a deeply revolutionary act. And the people respond to this kind of brand purity with contempt.

This is exactly what happened to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. The North Korean government released what looks like an unretouched photo of the glorious leader: dimples, defects and all. Bravery. In another day and age, it would be posted as a beacon of positivity, someone comfortable in their own skin who has the courage to live.

But not these days. Not in the days of the meme. Instead, people used their time Photoshopping him. Because that is what the internet does, and standing in their way is tantamount to suicide.

This mockery will not go unpunished, in this world or the next.
Heinous. This is what happens when you’re the dictator of a pariah state and dare to dream of the perfect unfiltered headshot.
Source: Twitter / Imgur.