It’s Lookin’ Like The Coalition Might Scrape Together A Majority Government

After Australia has endured a week of lawless anarchy while the Australian Electoral Commission tallies the votes from Saturday’s election, it’s looking like we will soon get an answer. No more of this!

And the vote is tight, so tight that at the time I am writing this, this is how bloody narrow the two-party preferred vote is. Try reading it without sweatin’.
So if your mate voted for Harambe you’re allowed to slap him on the noggin now.
But this is what we do know. Antony Green, the ABC’s election expert/powerful precognitive psychic has said there is “no question” that Malcolm Turnbull will continue as Prime Minister. So pack up your Bill Shorten shrine lest you were still lighting a candle.

“Malcolm Turnbull is the prime minister, will continue as prime minister so in that sense they’ve won, it’s just a question of whether they will have a majority or not,” Green said.
And that’s the sticker here. They’re gunning for a majority, which is not guaranteed but is looking increasingly likely. So likely, actually, that Christopher Pyne felt the courage to appear on TV describing the Coalition as an ‘election winning machine’. Righto mate.
At this point, it looks like One Nation is going to land itself three Senate seats – the one they’ve already secured in Queensland, plus one in each New South Wales and Western Australia.
Turnbull has been dealing with the crossbenchers in anticipation of a difficult numbers situation, but it’s increasingly looking like there’s going to be a Coalition majority. But it was a tight scrape, like reversing a Holden Commodore into one of the tiny Westfield carparks, and it’s going to sting Malcolm in the party room.
Let’s let our AEC scrutineers do their thing. We may not actually know til after the weekend. I know. I know.
Source: AEC / Guardian.
Photo: Getty Images.