Instagram Influencer Cops Death Threats For Sponsored Pic Of Fake Pancakes

Influencer Scarlett London Blogger Death Threats

UK Instagram influencer and YouTuber Scarlett London reckons she copped some serious abuse for a sponsored post of her “perfect morning” that featured fake pancakes and an empty cup of tea.

The post, which was an ad for Listerine and featured 24-year-old lifestyle blogger Scarlett posing on her bed with a plate of “pancakes” and strawberries while cradling a cup of tea, was called out by eagle-eyed followers who deduced that the sweet treats were actually tortillas, and that the cup of tea was empty. Oh.

Scarlett claims she’s had death threats over the staged snap, which went viral after a bloke put it on Twitter accompanied with a rant, prompting thousands of replies ranging from: “Imagine the faff of having to update that ‘Good Morning’ sign to ‘Good Evening’ when you got up” to “That mug is empty and those pancakes look more like tortilla wraps to me, I hope she steps on a Lego when she hops off that stupid bed with her own photo on it”.

Even UK actress Amanda Abbington (who starred in Sherlock) felt the need to weigh in.

Over on Instagram, Scarlett was accused of giving “young girls false impressions of life and unrealistic expectations of how they expect to be treated” and “selling a false, unobtainable image”. 

But Scarlett, who has 48k followers on Instagram and 11k subscribers on YouTube, says the abuse got worse in her DMs. In an interview with Femail, the influencer said that her inbox was full of messages “to the effect of that I’m a danger to young women and should suffer, I should be stopped, I should suffocate on the balloons, I should kill myself because of how pathetic I am. But if I’m totally honest, those were the more tame of the bunch.”

She added:

In the last 48 hours, grown men & women, MPs, women’s equality representatives, journalists, actresses and broadcasters have discovered my Instagram feed and decided to pick it apart online… I implore those mindlessly sharing this content to research who I am as a person, before they further drag my name and image through the mud. Yes, I do adverts on here, but only with brands I genuinely use and would spend money on myself.

The blogger did apologise for any harm caused by her post, telling Femail: “I personally don’t think my content is harmful to young girls but I do agree Instagram can present a false expectation for people to live up to. And I am wholeheartedly sorry if I’ve ever made anyone feel inadequate through my content.”