FKN THANK YOU: Aussie Commission Says Geo-Blocking Sucks, Should GTFO

MIRACULOUS NEWS! The Productivity Commission, who has been conducting a 12-month inquiry into our country’s intellectual property system, is calling for an end to geo-blocking. 

In case you’re somehow unaware, geo-blocking looks EXACTLY LIKE THIS ON YOUTUBE:
It is frustrating as bloody hell. Do you guys have any idea how many times we’ve gone to share a new ‘Last Week Tonight with John Olivervideo with you, only to realise we can’t because it’s been geo-blocked in Australia? KILLS US, BECAUSE WE WANT TO SHARE ALL THE CONTENT WITH Y’ALL. 
The draft report, which was released early this morning, said this: 
“The use of geo-blocking technology is pervasive, and frequently results in Australian consumers being offered a lower level of digital service (such as a more limited music or TV streaming catalogue) at a higher price than in overseas markets.”
Karen Chester, one of the commissioners, said to The Australian that she wished for the “government to make it clear we’re going to let our folk get around geo-blocking, otherwise it’s not fair to users”.

“We’re saying to rights holders, no big brother, no draconian penalties and enforcement (from government), because that’s going to be a huge regulatory burden and it isn’t going to work.

She also said that geo-blocking is one of the biggest reasons why Australia’s piracy rates are so bloody high (yes, we’re talking real ‘Game of Thrones’ shit here people).
The final report won’t hit Parliament until August, and then it’s required that both houses table the report within 25 sitting days. 


Source: The Australian
Photo: Youtube.