Everyone Has Fallen In Love With Matt McGorry For His Social Justice Posts

Look, we know everyone is unique, everyone’s different with what they want in an ideal partner, but we here at PEDESTRIAN.TV think we may have discovered the secret to being the most attractive human in the world: not being a disrespectful piece of shit. Crazy, right? 
The master of this fab life lesson in respect and empathy is none other than ‘Orange Is The New Black‘ star and self-proclaimed feminist, Matt McGorry
You might remember a few weeks back, McGorry posted an image on Instagram of himself with Miley Cyrus’ and Chrissy Teigen‘s nipples photoshopped over his own. While this sounds absolutely fucking ridiculous, it added to the #FreeTheNipple conversation, proved that female nipples look no different to male ones, and demanded an answer to why female nipples are deemed offensive, and men’s are perfectly acceptable.
Yesterday, McGorry stepped up to the social justice plate again, this time discussing why the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter is so important, and shouldn’t be converted into #AllLivesMatter.

In case you’re lost: the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter was created in association with the murder of Trayvon Martin in the U.S., and is now also associated with the deaths of Freddie Gray, Eric GarnerMichael Brown, and all African-American people who have been killed by police in recent years.

Or as some #BlackLivesMatter activists say, it’s like going to an AIDS walk and shouting “All Diseases Matter!” Some people think they are being more inclusive by saying #AllLivesMatter in response to #BlackLivesMatter but in reality, they’re (un)consciously undermining the purpose of the movement. Because this PARTICULAR movement is about SPECIFIC issues, as any decently effective movement is. You can’t just have a protest for “Make Everything In The World Better!” How can you have an effective protest that’s about gender equality, animal rights, racial equality, and saving the environment? Pro-tip: you can’t. Because that’s not how getting shit done works. And I’ve never seen #AllLivesMatter promoted by someone who ACTUALLY fights for racial equality. So someone getting up in arms bc of #BlackLivesMatter while they sit on the sidelines and do nothing for black lives or anyone’s other than their own is not actually promoting that “All Lives Matter (equally)” as much as they’re trying to take down the idea that #BlackLivesMatter and denying its necessity and value. Whether it’s conscious or unconscious, you’re contributing to societies racial issues if you’re responding with #AllLivesMatter. #BlackLivesMatter doesn’t mean other lives don’t. Like people who say “Save The Rainforests” aren’t saying “Fuck All Other Types of Forests.” And if your response to “Save The Rainforests” is “No! Save ALL forests!!!” then you sure as shit better actually be doing something to ACTUALLY save ALL forests. If not…well you get the point. And if you don’t get the point, then you probably didn’t get any of this. So show me the person who spends their life fighting for all lives ACTUALLY mattering AND who says #AllLivesMatter and I’ll show you a world where people are treated like they actually do matter equally (neither of those actually exist). Now I know very little about the #BlackLivesMatter but I’m learning and these r things that I think people who actually care about equality can agree on. #BlackLivesMatter is necessary because we don’t live in a society that systematically treats white people terribly bc they’re white. And that’s why we need #BlackLivesMatter

A photo posted by Matt McGorry (@mattmcgorry) on

Regardless of whether yu agree or disagree with his sentiments, McGorry has people absolutely SWOONING over him now:
Seriously, all it takes is respect and human compassion, people! 
Maybe also muscular arms? But mainly the empathy/respect thing. 
Image & story via Instagram