A Printing Cock-Up Combined The Daily Tele & The SMH And People Are Crowing

daily tele smh mixup

Is there anything better than a good, old-fashioned public stuff-up? Maybe when it’s on behalf of an entity like the Daily Telegraph!

Newspaper readers (there are dozens of them! Dozens!) today were baffled, and then delighted, to find that in some issues of the Daily Tele, a printing error had accidentally slipped in a page of the Sydney Morning Herald‘s Opinion section.

If you thought it was an accidental page-shuffling, think again – this was a ghastly print media Frankenstein with the Daily Tele’s deranged ululations on one side of the page, and the SMH on the other.

The Tele tweeted an explanation, saying that “the error happened during the production process” at the printing facility that both papers share in Sydney‘s west.

They also apologised for any “confusion” that the stuff-up might have caused, and if you think the public has picked this up and run with it all the way to Comedy Town, you’d be absolutely right.

A more fitting sign of the final descent into total absurdity of the Murdoch press I simply cannot imagine. Also, can we all agree that the so-called printing error was in fact the machinations of a disgruntled worker at the facility spying an opportunity to retire with a bit of a bang? Wherever you are, we salute you.